ehy peoples its beena while sincei updated all of this.. time to do some serious work I thinks.. Mainly cause this page doesn't reflect all of my sttributes anymore, for starters I just recently got married, I found my other half... figure dout he was sitting under my nose for years, we wnet tos chool together and then yeah well it happened.. so yehai'm not the single oct anymore you could say.... works on his page could take a while to get done though cause I'm not on as much anymore. But I will be adding some new pics today.... thanks to all who have signed my guestbook, its great to know that this site was worth doing .. even it just gave some of you the smallest bit of insight on the topics covered... well this is all for now fols so I will cathc you all round...
blessed be........
Here are 13 steps that I live by everyday and try to follow as best I can. I feel that anyone could do this, no matter what you belive in.
Thirteen Goals of A Witch
1. Know Yourself.
2. Know Your Craft.
3. Learn.
4. Apply Knowledge with wisdom.
5. Achive Balance.
6. Keep your words in good order.
7. Keep your thoughts in good order.
8. Celbrate Life.
9. Attune to the cycles of the earth.
10. Breathe and eat correctly.
11. Exercise the body.
12. Meditate.
13. Honor the Goddess and God.
Also here is some great advice for us who are on ours computers a fair bit I have been told if you use Crystals, place one on top of your computer which will help soak up negative ions and thus keep your immune system working well.... try it if you like?