Colours, colours and more colours which one to use??
The Significance of Candle Colours
When a witch applies colour to candle majick, the meanings of each colour can be quite specific, depending on the spell. Here is a quick guide.
White, Spiritual enlightment, cleansing, healing, truth seeking.
Yellow, activity, creaivty, unity; brings power of concentration and imagination to the success of rituals.
Gold, fosters understanding; beneficial in rituals intended to bring about fast luck or money.
Pink, romance or friendship.
Orange, recharges the intellect.
Red, health, passion, love, fertility, strength, courage, willpower.
Silver, removes negativity and encourages stability; helps develop psychic ability.
Purple, power, success, idealism.
Brown, earthy, balanced colour eliminates indecisiveness, improves powers of concentration, increases financial success, helps find lost things.
Indigo, colour of inertia; stops situations or people.
Royal Blue, promotes laughter, loyalty.
Light Blue, spiritual colour, for peace and tranquility.
Blue, for rituals to obtain wisdom, harmony, inner light or peace.
Emerald green, attracts love, social delights and fertility.
Dark Green, colour of ambition, greed, jealousy; counteracts these influences in a ritual.
Green, promotes prosperity, fertility, success, good luck, money.
Gray, this neutral colour is useful when pondering complex issues during medictaion. Negates or neutralises negative influence.
Black, helps to open up deeper levels of consciousness; use in rituals to induce a deep meditational state or to banish evil or negativity, as in uncrossing rituals.

Colours of the Week
Sunday ~ yellow
Monday ~ white
Tuesday ~ red
Wednesday ~ purple
Thursday ~ blue
Friday ~ green
Saturday ~ black
Colours for the Zodiac
If you can't find a particular colour, substitute white....
Aries ~ (Mar 21-Apr 20) red, scarlet
Taurus ~ (Apr 21-May 20) red-orange, pale green, olive, brown, deep indigo
Gemini ~ (May 21-Jun 21) orange, turqouise, silver-mauve
Cancer ~ (Jun 22-Jul 23) yellow-orange, pale blue, silver, pale green, amber, maroon
Leo ~ (Jul 24-Aug 23) yellow, orange, gold, purple, greenish-yellow
Virgo ~ (Aug 24-Sep 23) yellow-green, grey, navy blue, brown, multicolours, plum
Libra ~ (Sep 24-Oct 23) green, blue, emerald
Scorpio ~ (Oct 24-Nov 22) blue-green, blood-red, dark brown
Saggitarius ~ (Nov 23-Dec 22) blue-violet, amethyst, dark grey
Capricorn ~ (Dec 23-Jan 20) turquoise-blue, black, iris
Aquarius ~ (Jan 21-Feb 19) violet, electric blue, bluish mauve
Pisces ~ (Feb 20-Mar 20) red-violet, violet, indigo, green, crimson, pinkish brown
Breathe in RED for vitality.
Breathe in ORANGE for joy.
Breathe in YELLOW to stimulate your mind.
Breathe in GREEN to refresh and cleanse.
Breathe in TURQUOISE to strengthen your immune system.
Breathe in VIOLET to increase self-respect.
Breathe in MAGENTA to fight obesseions.

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