The Pentagram
The Pentagram/Circle has three functions......
1. To Protect the person(s) inside from uninvited outside forces that may be attracted to the energies raised.
2. To contain raised energy until itis needed and can be properly and deliberatley directed towards its majickal/ritual goal.
3. To open a space between the worlds of form (the earth plane) and spirit (the Otherworld), at which they meet and blend.

The Pentagram is a five-pointed star; the five rays represtening the energy of the four elements: earth, air, fire and water. The fifth arm of the pentagram is symbolic of spirit: either, essence, soul ~ but not in the Christian sense. Thus, the pentagram symbolises the four great natural elements united in harmony with the spirit of humanity. It is the harmonius relationship ~ Spirit interacting with the power of the elemental forces of nature ~ from which one can derive the ability to work majick. Some name it intent, or emotion, but the spirit is the majickal force that enables us to work with nature to will enchantments, to bless our work, to protect ourselves and to balance the lemenets within spellls and within our lives.
The four sides of the pentagram are not restricted to earth, air, fire and water ~ they can represent whatever elemental forces ine wishes; thus the pentagram's potency as a symbol is virtually limitless. Most often, however, teh pentagram represnts the five stages of life ~ Birth, Initiation, Love, Repose and Death: the cyclic nature of existence for all of us.
The pentagram also corresponds to the five senses, so this diverse symbol can also be experinced as a metaphor for the physical realm. Other qualities often invoked and represented as a metaphor for the physical realm. Other qualities often invoked and represented by the pentagram are Sex, Self, Passion, Pride and Power. Be imaginative and create your own meditations using five essenstial experiences or energies significant to you. All of these invocations will help bring you into a balance ~ you will develop understanding as to which areas are your weak points and can then work to strengthen them, as well as developing as understanding of the transformational energies of life.
The pentagram is always drawn upright, so that it relsembles a person with arms and legs spread out, in a kind of entreaty to the God and Goddess. The reversed pentagram is often said to be a tool of satanic witches (considered by many to be a contradiction in terms) and of black majick. Due to it's resemblence to the head of a goat. It actaully can represent negative workings, as it symbollically turns the harmonious co-operation between elements and spirit on its head ~ spirit being the last of factors in the inversed pentagram. In the "white" majickal version, it is spirit that "rules" or binds.
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